Historical Cities Kendari
Kendari Bay Vosmaer Baai was called by the Dutch period to the Far Vosmaer not find this Kendari Bay. Kendari area was part of the Kingdom of Konawe that is located in the hinterland with its capital Unaaha. Which now has become the autonomous district (District Konawe) blessing of the expansion in 1995.Kendari city, formerly called Kandai. Taken from the name of the tool paddle / penokong raft or boat from bamboo (generally) as long as three fathom. There are also some people who call Kantahi. This means the coastal beaches.
Story somehow, so people call Kendari. Mixture may be many languages Kendari is the name that became the Dutch option to customize the naming of this area.
This is a crowded area in the year 1920 after the origin of Chinese traders and Arab build shops. Kendari Bay evolved into a center of colonial power. With the build loji, tangsi, the king's palace, government facilities, offices, home office and a church on the hill and the port facilities in the nature of Kendari Bay.
Infrastructure of the city as the market began to build. Beaches in coastal reclamation in the bay, the eastern headland cliffs closed land for physical expansion of the city. Bajo citizens who do not begin to feel comfortable and spread to various regions.
Setting the Dutch Jan Nicholas Vosmaer previously stray to this bay as a resident assistant with the decree no. 16 dated 12 January 1835. Previously, in the year 1832, the Vosmaer have got permission from the Dutch in order to observe interference from pirate Bay (Tobelo).
When the road that connects Kendari start with the hinterland was opened (Kendari-Wawotobi) in 1912, village-the village along the Gulf has been a concentration of settlements. Expansion towards the north coast beaches such as village Sadoho, Benu-Benua, Tipulu, Kapontori, and Lahudape become part of the expansion of the city. The path that the road was opened to the sidewalk along the west coast settlement of the many bays in the area.
Source: History of Kendari Abd XIX-XX, Muhammad Said D (Papers presented at the National History Conference VIII value is held by the Directorate General of the Directorate of History and History of ancient Depertemen Culture and Tourism, on 13-16 November 2006 in the Millennium Hotel Jakarta.)
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