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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wakatobi Regency Travel

Marine Tourism
Coral Reefs Wakatobi nautical tourism is that tourism activity has been developed in the Wakatobi Islands, which supported the existence of the National Park Sea Islands Wakatobi. The benefits of this tourism asset, not because the carpet is very knowledgeable reef waters along the sea bottom topography with a complex shape, such as slope, flat, drop-off, Atoll underwater Cave and the marine biota of a wide range.

Depth of water varied in the reaching 1044 meters with the base of the sand and relaxing, the area has potential that has a significant presence, especially coral reefs and many types of marine biota is diverse with the aesthetic value and high conservation.

Specifically marine park Wakatobi archipelago has a ± 25 fruit with a group of 750 coral reef species, surrounded total 600 km2, and the tourist beaches obek potential for managed, spread throughout the Wakatobi region. Based on potential, makes this area very comportable for dive tourism activities such as surfing and snorkeling, fishing and tourism. So one of the foreign journalists suit named Jacques Costeau Wakatobi rate as penyeleman beautiful place in the world (Wakatobi is the finest diving site in the world).

Wakatobi Dive Resort
Wakatobi Resort Located near beautiful beaches and menawam-Tomia Onemobaa Island, Wakatobi Islands. Wakatobi Resort offers world-class diving is supported by a spectacular house reef and the ease of access to the dive with the diversity of life under the sea again with the added security and comfort in doing the activities that suit is guaranteed with a protected marine area.

Wakatobi Resort also has a staff of experienced and knowledgeable in tourism services, with the food dish and a healthy sense of diversity, and equipped with satellite communication device with internet access 24 hours, so the Wakatobi Dive Resort to serve guests with the service standards of the world.

Resort is also equipped with the airfield on the island Maranggo Tomia with flight paths that connect the island of Bali akan Tomia to make a trip to Wakatobi easier and convenient.

Culture Tourism
There is a variety of archaeological and historical heritage of social and cultural existence of the unique and characteristic of the community, is a cultural property that has a value attraction power, as a support for the development of tourism sector.

Cultural heritage provides the characteristics of past wealth and cultural values that until now can be seen in the pattern / Wakatobi traditions of a society which is well known as the coastal and island communities. So that the culture of the more coastal culture (marine antropologis). Existing culture is what gives a unique phenomenon for the development of tourism based on cultural values.

Wakatobi Marine National Park
Wakatobi Marine National Park is a conservation area in the sea area of Kepulaaun Iron Wind, Wakatobi National Marine Park is a beautiful garden and sea coral reefs in the world. Travelers who want to spend some time in this area, Tours Travel Agent PT. Wakatobi Dive Resort and the Board of Management, Wallacea ready to meet the needs of tourists began to visit each of the completeness of the structure with diving.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Buton Regency Travel

Rumah Adat BANUA Wolio
Banus Wolio House customary means Buton, which have a different status in the social status. Custom house Buton is divided into:
* Kamali Malige or place to live Sultan
* House officials over
* House of the general public.

This house is generally divided into three (3) with the following functions: space for the guests before men, living room for female guests to the back room and bedroom.

Pakande-kandea is a Traditional Event
Pakande-kandea is a traditional event which is the ancestral heritage Buton Tribe, who was born and began as a votive / syukuran. In this unique tradition, presented a variety of traditional snacks that are placed on a large tray made of brass and the hood is closed bosara food. Peak of this event, when all guests were invited to eat with the event with food disuapi by youth-young girls dressed in traditional and sit on the tray.

Often, this event is a youth-event campaign to get young girls mate. In addition, this event is an arena for the togetherness of the people bring a sense of unity and unity in the law and build relationships at the full familiarity. This game is a tradition of the people who set the tradition and manners and decorum that still to this day in the life of the community Tribal Buton.

Tradition Pusuo
Indigenous tribes in Buton, each daughter will be entering the age of the adolescents are required seclusion tradition (Posuo) during the eight days eight nights. This tradition aims to provide children with the women's values, ethics, moral and spritual, both the status of a child, mother, wife and as a member of the community. Available seclusion process, selamatan held with invited relatives, colleagues and taulan companion. In this procession held selamatan Dancing Kalegoa describing the grief like girls Buton in seclusion in the tradition.

Up to now Pusuo this tradition is still alive and everlasting life of the community in line with the tribe Buton.

Liwu Tongkidi
Basilika Island Liwu Tongkidi island is a small area of 1000 km, with a tropical climate and average rainfall 2000 mm / year. This island in the area including the development of Integrated BASILIKA (Batauga, Siompu, Liwutongkidi and Kadatua) in Kabupaten Buton. Small island surrounded by white sand has a rich diversity under the sea coral reefs and marine biota is still awake in the condition of human intervention. Easy to reach this island from the port of Bau-Bau, ± 15 minutes with speed boat.

Regions Basilika
Basilika Regions BASILIKA (Batauga Beach, Siompu, Liwutongkidi and Kadatua) has a group of coral reef biodiversity and the diversity of the spread in the cluster islands is included, and the island of Pulau Batu Kawi-Kawia.

Basilika Islands at this time to become pre-eminent tourist destinations Kabupaten Buton with some consideration, among others; Terumbu karangnya first condition is still relatively good and similar to the coral reef strukutur Wakatobi Taka Bonerate and adjacent to the region; Basiliki second suit to be the choice location for Divers suit in addition to the goal in South Sulawesi (Taka Bonerate), Wakatobi and Bunaken.

Protected Forest Lambusango and Kakenauwe
Operation Wallacea has developed this as a protected forest area ecoturism-based science and conservation, this region is rich in diversity and originality of the flora and fauna and is ideal for adventure activities like trekking, bird watching, camping and others. Each year, hundreds of students abroad to do research program in this area.

Forest areas Lambusango and Kakenauwe
Forest conservation area Lambusango and Kakenauwe in District Kampotori and Lasalimu divided 3 categories:

* Night Markets (± 28,510 ha)
* Nature Kakenauwe (± 810 ha)
* Area of protected forest and the production is located around the conservation area (± 35,000 ha)

Summary Ekoturism using Labundo-bundo as a home base, has been bringing tourists or volunteers under the operation Wallacea hundreds of people every year.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Ancient World Excited Fish Catch Yustinus

MANADO, FRIDAY - Two fishermen of Malalayang, Manado, Yustinus Lahama and Delfie, fish does not expect the results tangkapannya on 19 May 2007 in the Bay of Manado, just stir the world.

The fish is known scientists of the world, the kind of "Latimeria menadoensis" or Coelacanth, an ancient fish that was already considered to be extinct since 65 million years ago.

Now the fish has been displayed and excited participants from various countries that participated in the event the World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Summit, 11-15 May 2009.

Yustinus the ancient fish are captured when the lodge own hook. Being visible when a fish with a length of approximately one meter and 30 kg weight range, along with white spots.

Fish is available on the depth of the sea about 105 meters, on the beach Malalayang, at 08.00 Wita, 19 May. "Although quite large, but the fish do not seem to fight again when the tow to the boat," he said, relate the arrest.

According to various sources of data, Coelacanth defined as "a hollow spine" based on the Greek word coelia, "hollow" and acanthos, "thorns". This refers to the physical barbed fin on the hollow.

Coelacanth is a fish that came from a branch of the evolution of the oldest living fish from the jowl. Estimated to have been extinct since the late Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, until a specimens found in East Africa, South River Chalumna in the year 1938.

However, since the Coelacanth found in the Comoros, the island of Old Manado in the South, countries Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar and Llaut Park St Lucia in South Africa.

In Indonesia, particularly around Manado, this species by local people named the king of sea fish. Coelacanth consists of about 120 species known to be based on fossil findings. To date, there have been two species were found living Coelacanth namely Comoros Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae and Sulawesi Coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis.

"Until the year 1938, the fish consanguine fish close to the lungs is considered to have been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65 million years back," said Dean of Faculty of Marine and Fisheries UNSRAT Manado, Prof Kwa Masengie.

According to him, there is a iktiologis (fish expert), Dr JLB Smith describe and fish, and his article published in the journal Nature in 1939.

He gave the name Latimeria chalumnae to new types of fish, to the curator of the museum and the discovery of the location of the fish.

Search location where the ancient fish that lived during the next dozen years and then get the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean to the west as their habitat, in which several hundred individuals is estimated to live in the ocean depths over 150 meters.

Outside the island that, until the 1990's some of the individuals caught in the waters of Mozambique, Madagascar and South Africa. But everything is still considered as part of a population more or less the same.

In 1998, sixty years after the finding of living fossil Coelacanth Comoros, a king of sea fish caught in fishing nets Island Old Manado, North Sulawesi.

This fish has been long known by local fishermen, but not yet in existence is known there by the world of science. Ancient fish that is physically similar Coelacanth Comoros, with the difference in color.

When the fish was arrested with the other species by two fishermen in Manado, scandalize the information directly to the ear of the Governor of North Sulawesi, SH Sarundajang. North Sulawesi Governor SH Sarundajang as proposer implementing WOC, direct search for fish by inviting a number of researchers from various academic, domestic and abroad.

Fish is directly secured in the Office of Marine Fisheries and North Sulawesi, are stored in "cold storage", so that can continue to survive until the implementation of the WOC and scientific interest.

Manado Ocean Declaration (MOD) have agreed on the WOC that followed thousands of participants from over 80 countries in Manado, and has recorded the history of sea rescue and konservasinya.

However, the existence of the ancient fish that was in the water in the world still bring to ideas, so that the Coelacanth so maskot WOC.

Media Center Coordinator Tumiwa Roy WOC in Manado, the ancient fish that has made discussion on the level of government and marine stakeholders.

The success of organizing have made the WOC, the famous to the various corners of the world. However, it will be more popular again, when the ancient fish coelancanth soon be maskot WOC. (Kompas - Friday, May 15 )


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tourism Kendari City

Kendari Bay
Kendari Bay is located in the center of old city of Kendari and have a beautiful beach scene and unique. This bay extends around the edge of the beach turn by trees, the sunset on a sunny afternoon and the food typical of Kendari along the edge of the road adjacent to the bay and spectacular multicolored fishing boats.

As a "Landmark" City with a ± 18 km is the river mouth Wanggu, Kambu and Anggoeya and several small rivers that have the potential for maritime tourism such as wind surfing, paddle motor water (Aqua Bike / Jet Sky), and potential fishery, industry and transportation.

Nambo Beach
Nambo Beach Nambo Beach is a beautiful beach of ± 12 km distance from the city of Kendari, or about 15 minutes towards south of Kendari using the car two or four wheels and can also use a traditional kole-kole) about 15 minutes from the port city of Kendari Kendari Bay.

This beach are many visitors because the location is relatively close. Nambo beaches have white sand sloping atmosphere of calm, cool air and the stunning panorama, so this place is always the option for people of Kendari saturation and release daily routine at the weekend, this place has provided the parking lot, gazebo, where Rinse bath and traditional traders offering various types of merchandise.

Coral Beach Purirano
This beach is located in the region of Kendari Kendari precisely in Kelurahan Kecamatan Purirano approximately ± 13 km from the center of this coastal city where a Mainland Coral / Atol that as a result of abrasion since hundreds of years of taking oysters or sea snail at the time of sea water are receding. At that time tens of even hundreds of people brought down to the beach to find shells basket. The tourists can enjoy the activities while the facts of beautiful beaches.

To think it's, after enjoying the beautiful beaches, tourists can taste oysters haul. On the beach has provided a stall-stall as a place to remove the traditional tired while enjoying the traditional cuisine of this region.

Beach is located in District Mayaria Kendari about ± 10 km to the east central city of Kendari. Mayaria is a beautiful beach with white sand sloping so that in addition to swimming, tourists can tour around the traditional villages around the coast with boat rental. For tourists who want to spend the night, your cottage. In addition to lodging at this cottage and also provided additional facilities and restaurants.

Bungkutoko Island
Bungkutoko is a small island located right in front of Kendari with a ± 500 ha. Island this small is beautiful nan tourists can witness the life of the people who are still awake authenticity, community attitude that opens the east with the order of a typical dish is a special addition to the natural beauty of the island to enjoy Bungkutoko so this place is not enough of one or two days only.

The uniqueness of this island another is very close to the mainland or separated by a strait in the world tersempit ± 100 m from the mainland and the island Bungkutoko have 3 sources of fresh water and the beach can be used if the water.

Molulo Dance
Molulo dance crowd is a tribe of Tolaki be coupled mass while the hands form a large circle. Philosophy of dance is the expression of gratitude on the people who achieved success in something that is at once a meeting place for teenagers feeling each other trace the seed-the seed of love between them. Perserta dance does not know the level and in the community, so that the dance is also called a folk dance. Dance Molulo in its development until now has been a dance area of Southeast Sulawesi is not only digandrungi Tolaki by the community, but also by other tribes in the Southeast Sulawesi. Because the dance crowd, everyone can participate in this dance, including the chance when you visit in Southeast Sulawesi.

National Crafts Council of Dekranas is a sales area Southeast Sulawesi. Here you can shop a variety of local handicrafts such as silver kerjainan, various crafts of war, kaos-shirts, pearl jewelry, handicrafts woven fabric and so on. This place can be witnessed directly the process of souvenirs from the silver, traditional weaving and weaving bag.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Taken land Tambang Company, Report to the Legislative Citizen

By Line : Dedy Kurniawan

Dozens of the day earlier to the Southeast Sulawesi Legislative status denounce their land taken a company that mines nickel given without compensation. Not only that, all the plants in the garden of the company was damaged by these mines. Unfortunately again, people do not dare protest because they often receive threats.

Performance in the sense that, dozens of residents Laeya District, South District Konawe reveal this, since 2007 PT Integra Mining, a nickel mine, and manage the mine entrance in the area.

The problem is, the land area of approximately 34 hectares which is managed by PT Integra Mining is a garden and yard of land belonging to residents. As a result, in addition to loss of livelihood, local people also threatened loss of shelter. The problem appears because the PT Integra Mining not want to give compensation to the residents as the land owner with a number of reasons have been given money to the Government District Konawe South.

Residents themselves did not dare confess interpose or compensation. The often they get from the terror threat or the parties that claim to work in PT Integra Mining

Locals say, the more threatened their position as the District of South Konawe own hands seemed to be separated and do not want to help citizens. In fact, PT Integra Mining operations in the region over the local government's permission

The South East Sulawesi DPRD stated, in the near future they will soon go down the field as well as leaders of the PT Integra Mining to request information related to citizen complaints.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Related WOC, Police catching Two activists Environment

Related organize WOC held in Manado, North Sulawesi, repressive police action. Two activists Wahana Environment (WALHI), Nahdian Forqan Berry (director of the National Walhi) and Erwin Usman police arrested because they will thwart the meeting WOC and CTI projects.

Since Saturday night, Berry Nahdian Furqon Erwin Usman and with dozens of activists and a number of local fishermen joined in the Alliance Manado, pressure began to get out of the police. In addition to meeting the alliance is dissolved by force, the police also seize all documents and banners.

Alliance Manado ago the location of their meeting, but here they are again intimidated by the police. All participants reviewed the meeting Alliance Manado and threatened akan deported because of this event according to police illegal.

Police intimidation peak occurred earlier morning, Berry Nahdian with Erwin Usman police when they arrested the protest demonstration organize WOC that are considered harmful local fishermen. Before the arrest occurred, the police recruit civilian demonstrations to dismiss it.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tourism District Bombana

Sagori Island
This island has white sand and lots of pine trees grow, and is inhabited by tribal people Bajo. This island in the tourist can enjoy the beautiful sun rise and sinking. This island is located in District Kabaena and can be reached by speed boat about 4 hours west of the city towards Bau-Bau.

Watutuburi Cave
Tourism is located in the Village District Lengora Kabaena East. Tourism can be achieved using a vehicle with two wheels and four wheels, with a distance of ± 25 km from the Capital District. Uniqueness / attraction is a cave found this place be imprisoned. And in this cave there is a spring that some people believe the water can provide property.

Nature Rerede Ee (TAHITE) Boiling Water
Nature tourism is located in the Village Tahite District Rarowatu. Ee Rerede this is one of the tourism that has a uniqueness that is rare, this is because, in general, the water boiling hot, but on tourism this water does not feel hot. Tourism can be implemented using the two-wheeled vehicles with four wheels and ± 10 km distance from the City District.

Lumense Dancing
Traditional Lumense derived from the word that means flying Lume and Mense, which means high, so high-flying Lumense means. This dance comes from the District Kabaena District Bombana. The meaning of this dance is worship in the gods. This dance is presented at the ceremony guests welcome parties of the people in the District Bombana.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tourism District Kolaka

Island Malaha
Landscape at Sunset Island is an island Malaha the many coconut trees grow and has a white sandy beach which is suitable for marine snorkeling, diving, or enjoy the beautiful in a white sandy beach. ± 88 km distance from the Port of Kolaka or about 2 hours by using the speed boat.

Island Padamarang

Located in District Pomalaa distance of ± 35 miles west of Kolaka. Can be reached by car or public probadi. This beach park has a beautiful ocean scene with a spectacular natural, ideal for snorkeling or dive tour.

River Tamborasi
Located ± 90 km from the city Kolaka towards the south, can be reached by private vehicle or public. River is a river in the world with a cut length of the river is only ± 25 meters. Headwaters directly related to the white sand sea. Around this place can still be found forest animals. Apish furry gold, forest bats, several species of sea birds and various marine plants. Usually on the day of week and holidays to visit this place many people to enjoy the beauty of this place. This place has many available gazebo to relax, a place to change clothes, place Rinse and so forth.

Nickel Miner Pomalaa
Located in District Kelurahan Pomalaa Dawi-Dawi of ± 60 km distance from the City of Kolaka. This region has various facilities, among others, guest house, the golf course, restaurant, post office, bank, and counter merpati air port and seaport. Attraction of this place than the old mine also Japanese heritage tourists / visitors can witness the procession of nickel smelting where tourists can witness the safe and guided by a guide from Tambang Nikel Pomalaa. Very suitable for inter-company incentive tours. Each year the festival is always held back a year mine Pomalaa the fall session in August, which is always be expected by the community because events are very interesting.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cannon and Bunker in Kendari

Kendari city appeared to many witnesses save the history, such as cannon & Bunker you are at the foot mountain villages Mata, old city, Kendari.

Cannon and Bunker, it appears solid, but still less care, and some parts of the cannon has been lost somewhere to go, such as the degree of lever player shot, lever thrower and some of the other.

This gun and Bunker, the sea is located at the mouth of the Estuary / Kendari Bay. This gun works as defense from sea attack enemy ships. Piece of the story of some local residents, appeared to show a variety of historical perception that bunker and gun.

From the physical, Bunker and this gun, so to speak less attention from the local government. And unfortunately again, never have to load or write the story of the cannon and Bunker is known to the public, the Bunker and this gun is only about 7 kilometers from the city of Kendari


Historical Cities Kendari

Kendari Bay Vosmaer Baai was called by the Dutch period to the Far Vosmaer not find this Kendari Bay. Kendari area was part of the Kingdom of Konawe that is located in the hinterland with its capital Unaaha. Which now has become the autonomous district (District Konawe) blessing of the expansion in 1995.
Kendari city, formerly called Kandai. Taken from the name of the tool paddle / penokong raft or boat from bamboo (generally) as long as three fathom. There are also some people who call Kantahi. This means the coastal beaches.

Story somehow, so people call Kendari. Mixture may be many languages Kendari is the name that became the Dutch option to customize the naming of this area.

This is a crowded area in the year 1920 after the origin of Chinese traders and Arab build shops. Kendari Bay evolved into a center of colonial power. With the build loji, tangsi, the king's palace, government facilities, offices, home office and a church on the hill and the port facilities in the nature of Kendari Bay.

Infrastructure of the city as the market began to build. Beaches in coastal reclamation in the bay, the eastern headland cliffs closed land for physical expansion of the city. Bajo citizens who do not begin to feel comfortable and spread to various regions.

Setting the Dutch Jan Nicholas Vosmaer previously stray to this bay as a resident assistant with the decree no. 16 dated 12 January 1835. Previously, in the year 1832, the Vosmaer have got permission from the Dutch in order to observe interference from pirate Bay (Tobelo).

When the road that connects Kendari start with the hinterland was opened (Kendari-Wawotobi) in 1912, village-the village along the Gulf has been a concentration of settlements. Expansion towards the north coast beaches such as village Sadoho, Benu-Benua, Tipulu, Kapontori, and Lahudape become part of the expansion of the city. The path that the road was opened to the sidewalk along the west coast settlement of the many bays in the area.

Source: History of Kendari Abd XIX-XX, Muhammad Said D (Papers presented at the National History Conference VIII value is held by the Directorate General of the Directorate of History and History of ancient Depertemen Culture and Tourism, on 13-16 November 2006 in the Millennium Hotel Jakarta.)


Murder Victim's Wife In a Rage Court

By Line: Dedy Kurniawan

The hearing in the murder case District Court Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, ended garbled. After the hearing, the wife of murder victim to rage outside the courtroom because the council did not receive vonis the judge deems light. A number of police officers and relatives of the victim had overwhelmed even the wife of the victim calm.

Suriani, 29 years old, very disappointed with the council decision that only the judge sentence 15 years in prison to murder her husband. Squall Hasan mentions, the name of the accused murderer of her husband, continues to keep struggling Suriani. Mother insists that a child standing in front of car detainees belong to the judiciary will be used to Hasan Kolaka penitentiary to undergo punishment.

Although had successfully be appeased, but not stop Suriani rage. Despite his hands held a number of relatives, he continues to struggle to get loose, and cried out the name of Hasan, murderer of her husband.

Current murder itself occurred on 7 January 2009 ago. At that time, after the party accused Hasan drink without cause immediately revoke a rage while badik (traditional knife).

Victims of Joseph, husband Suriani, the coincidence is running with four colleagues after work in their gardens, directly Hasan stabbed twice. As a result, the victim died after the previous day had been treated in hospital.


Tourism in Muna District

Lake Napabale

Napabale lake is very beautiful and quiet, located adjacent to the sea offshore, salt watery and connected by a tunnel as long as 16 square meters with high seas. A tunnel section with 16 meter2 the bowl porselin a clear and watery green kebiruan with high seas. rocks that covered the trees in the green surface of the water, around the rim danan this succulent salty. In the water is clear and cool, tourists can swim satisfying hobby. If the tourists happy boating, boater around the lake that is ready to take tourists around to enjoy the panoramic lake, and sea coast to offshore coral reefs through the tunnel. Before the water covered the mouth of the tunnel, tourists must have been back in the lake.
Liang Cave Kobori
Liang Kobori, which means "cave marked" is a cave with a width of 30 meters high and vary between 2 up to 5 meters and has a total depth of 50 meters. Save this cave many mysteries of a society that prehistoric tribes Muna envisaged 130 sites on various red scratches on the wall in the cave. Scratch-scratching is still awake authenticity, especially the shape and color to this is still a mystery about the ink used. This historical mystery awaits the arrival of tourists who like to research and archaeological exploration of the authenticity of nature.

Fighting Antique Horses
Muna Island is probably the only place in the world where you can see the stallion that compete scramble mare that is very exciting and spectacular frequently performed on each of the communities involved. Race begins with the exchange of female each stallion by a diviner in order to generate emotions from each stallion. Not long after, the second stallion to run into each other with the front legs up, neck straight, snout and teeth sound of chattering teeth bite each other find the target of attacks. Quite a stir of attraction, at once exciting and challenging. In philosophy tribe Muna, attractions horse the value that the rights and responsibilities is everything, so even though the life of a bet. This is the philosophy of the community in the life of the tribe of Muna, which is enshrined in the formal symbol Muna Regional District.

Traditional weaving in the Village Masalili
Sourum National Crafts Council of the Village Masalili located ± 8 km from the City of Raha. Most of the population living from the business of traditional cloth weaving. How weaving has been inherited since hundreds of years ago from generation to generation. Cloth weaving consists of a variety of patterns and colors that have art and culture Muna. Sheet of cloth can be used as a glove to be modified or custom clothing, and various souvenir tiger.

Traditional kites "Kaghati"
Muna district popular with traditional kites. Kites is made from natural materials from the leaves kolope (parsnip forest), hemp and bamboo fiber yarns from pineapple leaf forest. To connect one with the other materials used material from the skin penisik bamboo. To be perfect, use two balls on the left and right-wing services using small-sized timber. Traditional kites Muna has been ranked as the kites get the most natural. In 1996 and 1997, traditional kites Muna participate in the kite festival in France, and Bali


Monday, May 4, 2009

Tourism Bau Bau City

Palace complex, Buton
Lawana Buton Benteng palace Wolio To complete the tour activities, the tourists on the island of Buton, should visit to the only historical evidence of the triumph of Buton over hundreds of years ago that to this day is still well maintained, ie, Buton palace complex.

Fortress palace, custom house, equipment / tools of war, who built a mosque on the 16 th century BC, household equipment, up to the descendants of the straight line over, tourists can see in this place. Travelers can obtain information directly from the derivative-derivative sultanate that inhabit the complex is about all that is historical.

Nirwana Beach
It is a white sandy beach about 4 km sweep of the high seas, where tourists can distribute water sport hobby or simply relax in a warm atmosphere of the beach. Here, weary travelers can deliver comfort and enjoy the holiday.

Kalampa tourism is nature tourism with the hills, and over the hill there is a small fort, tourists can see the beautiful natural environment and cool. Nature tourism in the district there are Lipu District Betoambari a distance of ± 7 km from the center of Kota Bau-Bau.

Bukit Palatiga
Tourism is the top of the mountain. In addition to the Benteng palace, which is also not less interesting, is the tourism Palatiga Hill. In the area and the tourists can witness the atmosphere of Bau-Bau with lavish scenery and sea waters around the southern Buton. To reach this location can be reached by land vehicle and the distance of ± 2 km from the center of Kota Bau-Bau. Location on the plateau free from obstacles and buildings and trees to make tourism is presenting a beautiful panorama of nature.

Times Bau - Bau
Bau-Bau-time Object natural river tour / Times Bau-Bau is a small river that flows from the mountains and the City rip-Bau Bau before water estuary to the sea. Tourism is very good place to use as fresh water fishing, swimming and recreation with the family.

Tourism Lakasa cave is located in the district Sulaa District Betoambari, about ± 9 km from the center of Kota Bau-Bau. For tourists can reach it through the land. Tourism is very beautiful to see the beauty of the cave stalastik.

Cave Ntiti
Tourism is a cave with the man who used to have help. At this cave, can be found that will drip water on the cave wall. This cave is located in the district Baadja District Betoambari, about 4 km from the center of Kota Bau-Bau. And tourism can serve this relief cave walls in various size pieces of human


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Micro-hydro Power House Laburino

The Geologist at PT Inco Laborino, Southeast Sulawesi champion not only in exploring the mineral reserves in the ground, but they also create the success of its own electricity from the flow of rivers. Through micro hydro plants, the electricity generated is able to supply the needs of the exploration camp and some distributed to surrounding communities.

Laburino is just a small village in the District Kolaka North-South Sulawesi Province, about 3 hours drive from Sorowako. Glance, nothing to attract me in this place, except of the coastal Bone nan a quiet peace.

However, the light shining light in the zenith of the evening to seduce me in the colony. Looks houses such as the stage lights bathe in the city. Lamp so that light rays can illuminate other neighbor's house yard.

Already more than four months, the 22 families who lived in the Hamlet Laburino enjoy free electricity generated from micro hydro plants.

At the edge Laburino River, was built galengan or channels to divert water. Through galengan with one meter wide, the water flowed along the 128 meters and stored in a pond. From a basic pool, water slide reel play in the turbine, which then drive generators. Water re-joining the river flow Laburino.

Result, the power of 1300 watts can be generated from it. Although the new 20 percent of the planned, but was able to illuminate camp.

Currently, the team attempted to maximize micro-hydro electric power to be generated can be enjoyed also by people around the camp. From the calculation, the condition of minimum debit water resources can generate 3,500 watts, while the ability to achieve maximum 5000 watts.


Tourism Kolaka North District

Blue Lake
This lake is located in the Village District Walasio Wind precisely Rante ± 12 km from the tourism Tamborasi. Long journey of tourism objects Tamborasi vehicle with two wheels ± 1 hours 30 minutes, with four-wheel vehicle can be a long journey ± 1 hours drive. Position tourism at this time, the axis of the road to tourism, Blue Lake is still way stiffening (land) and have not been getting the handling of the District Government, Local Government and the Government of the Province of.

The advantages and resources to support tourism is tourism object is located at the foot hills, and surrounded by rocks and trees that quite a lot. Approximately 12 meters below the lake, the spread of clean white sand beach with a length of ± 2 km. Blue Lake water is flowing through the midst of stone mountain edge to the beach, visitors can enjoy the feeling of fresh water, excellent for swimming or berendam. Tourism is very beautiful because it is supported by scenic forests and seas and white sand of the beach is very beautiful and clean.

Pantai Ujung Tobaku
Coral Reefs Tourism tour is located in Ujung Countryside Tobaku District Laususa with distance from the Capital District is 15 km from the Capital District and 15 km. Can be implemented using the two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheel drive with a tourism ± 1 hectare.

Air Terjun (Ponggi)

Shopping Village is located in Batu Putih Subdistrict Ponggi with distance from the adopted Capital District is 85 km, from the Capital District and 16 km. This object can also located the vehicle with four wheels and two wheels, with a 2 hectare site tour.

Pasir Putih (Lelewawo)
Tourism is located in the Village District Lelewawo White Stone, the distance from the Capital District and 80 km from the Capital District of 15 km. Tourism and this can be a vehicle with two wheels and four wheels, it can be implemented with the long journey from the City District 2 ½ hours and 20 minutes City District. While the axis of the road / main tourism to 30 minutes.

Beach Waesellu
Tourism is located in the Village Ponggiha District Lasusua, the distance from the Capital District and 3 km from the Capital District 3 km. Tourism and this can be a vehicle with two wheels and four wheels, and can be applied with the long journey from the City District and City District 15 minutes.

Beach Sand Tobaku
Tourism is located in Ujung Countryside Tobaku District Lasusua, the distance from the Capital District and 21 km from the City of District 21 km. Tourism can be a vehicle with two wheels and four wheels, and can be applied with the long journey from the City District and City District 30 minutes.


Tourism District Konawe

Goa Solooti
In the cave there are a variety of heritage such as the days of old pottery, gerabah and tools other traditional households the most unique is the human frame into a cave on the surface. This place is still in the environment Tourism Tanjung Taipa Beach.

Maleo Bird Habitat
An area of forest Reserve Station Tanjung Taipa Beach which is a habitat for birds in the natural environment Maleo. In the area and the visitor can also enjoy the forest laden with various kinds of tropical plants, suitable for bird watchers or nature lovers that care about the rare animals.

Flights Wawolesea
Located in District Lasolo about 10 km from Tanjung Taipa Beach. The uniqueness of this place is a source of hot springs near the sea. Ditumbuhi this area with various trees such as pine trees, various kinds of forest orchids and others. In addition, several types of fauna, such as various types of forest birds, wild pigs, Anoa still exists in this area. Because this area was formed from sulfur deposition, a fast is broken so that visitors are limited to maintaining the sustainability of this place.

Group of islands - Pulau (island Bokori, Day Island, Pulau Saponda Land and Sea Island Saponda
Is a cluster of islands close together, located in District Soropia ± a distance of 11 miles of Kendari. Can be approximately ½ hours by speed boat from the Central Tapulaga. This group of islands have beaches and marine parks are beautiful birds and animals that stay awake Maleo habitat. Activities that can be done, among others, snorkeling or habitat of animals step closer, with the island tour boat can be rented on request.

Saponda Island Land and Sea Saponda or Saponda Overseas, there is Island Day. That is not inhabited island has beautiful beaches with white sand. Day around the island there is the beautiful Sea Park and is very good for Scuba Diving or snorkeling. Sea around the island is very nice and beautiful with a variety of marine biota, such as a wide range of fish and colorful coral reefs that Warni. For that does not like water sports you can see the different types of bird and sea turtle lay eggs in the evening. For those who love sport fishing, Foreign Saponda is the best place to distribute your hobby.

Kampa Wawonii
Located in District Wawonii Wawonii on the island. To reach this island tourists can use the boat with the motor mileage for ± 6 hours from the port of Kendari. Kampa Wawonii center industry is the most important fishery in Southeast Sulawesi. In addition to rich marine resources and forests, island Wawonii also rich in objects and tourist attraction. The coast can be enjoyed with the beautiful beach of fine white sand, ideal for swimming or Snorkling. Still the same place, can be witnessed by animals Bird Maleo step.

Swimming Pool Toli - Toli
Tourism is located in the area of forest people Nipa-Nipa and natural beauty has a cool and beautiful with a swimming pool and health arena, and fishing.


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Kendari, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
Working as a correspondent in one of the National TV. This blog contains various information about Sulawesi Tenggara, Kendari especially. News, articles or info on the tour this blog are the short, compact and clear. Hopefully helpful

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